You don’t have to be Einstein…..

You don’t have to be Einstein…..

As Albert is supposed to have said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results”.

To respond to the ever-growing requirements we have experienced from our fabrication customers, old and new, we have invested our time in finding a rather large receptacle & today we have placed that large receptacle in the yard. 

We are listening to what you want, we have investigated what’s available, and we are making a big commitment to our future relationship and happiness together.  Sometimes you need to let go of the past and focus on an exciting new future, in a new shape.  There may be tears, as it is difficult to release those you have loved, but you know in the long term you will be happier and sanity will once again prevail. 

Better to work with those who want to work with you than to drag yesterdays solutions towards todays problems.

How exciting……….

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